Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Natural Products Expo - Sunland gourmet peanut butter

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I grew up loving peanut butter.  In fact to this day I consider a peanut butter sandwich high on my list of comfort food.   I eat peanut butter several ways: on bread with jelly, on fruit, and by spoon.   I'm a self proclaimed connoisseur.  The Natural Products Expo was my introduction to the Sunland brand. Ever since then I'm happy to see it in my local health food markets.

When I saw the Sunland booth I had to try all of the flavors to see which one I'd become a customer of.  I'm happy to report that my peanut butter experience was happily taken to the next level with the traditional flavors [Creamy Valencia and Almond butter] as well as several flavor infused flavors.  The most outstanding of which is called organic Thai Ginger and Red Pepper.  Yes it sounds like flavors that one would never think to ever infuse into peanut butter, but TO ME this was a revelation.

When I sampled many of the flavors of Sunland peanut butter my palate sensed that my comfort would be taken to the next level.  I'll suffice it this way; experiencing Thai Ginger and Red Pepper is similar to eating Thai food with peanut sauce, it's like having a meal.  Other flavor infused butter are: Banana, Caramel, Cherry Vanilla, Creamy Chocolate, Raspberry, and Chipotle Chile.  That's the beauty of Sunland gourmet butters the sky is the limit!   And no refrigeration required.

I am more than happy to review this yummy peanut butter because it introduced me to organic butter that tastes sweet like the unhealthy versions.   The Valencia peanuts are the reason that the butters stay creamy and are much sweeter than other varieties.  For that reason I am also happy to relinquish my affections for the major brands I grew up eating that contain high fructose corn syrup, other sweeteners and other chemical additives.  Creamy Valencia butter easily replaces Jif Creamy as a nut butter staple in my world.


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