Sunday, March 18, 2012

2012 Natural Products Expo West

This is the first year that I've attended the Natural Products Expo West.  After hearing about it for several years I finally attended.  Let me tell you after three days of walking what is the equivalent of a football field in order to sample products from over 3000 vendors from all over the world I am still exhausted.  It's one week later and I now have the energy to write THIS post just to let you know that I attended this new age bohemian product paradise.

I have a few weeks of product review forthcoming.  There are so many companies that are conscious  and so many were nice to give me lovely full sized samples of items most likely several companies will have to share individual posts.  But here's a sneak peek into the magnitude of the experience was like.  Take note of the floor-plan; the third image on the bottom of this page,  I walked from area A to area D twice.  That took me two days to walk.  Me and my trusty rolling cart/bag.  I had no energy for area E.  This was essentially the worlds largest gifting suite for natural shops and health food stores, and buyers.  As a member of the press I was too happy to take on the task of this event.  That being said over the next few weeks I will be very happy to share what I discovered, who I met along the way and what hot new health supplements, foods and beverages were represented at the show.  I am certain that you all will be happy with what I have to share.  No more toxic products!!!
Thank You Sponsors - ClifBar


I will make an effort to post something new every day until I go through all of the products including ones I've been enjoying leading up to my full reports.  Have a great night!  


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing about other products that you found interesting.

  2. Any update on TOASTMASTERS? Your expressive writing places me right at the action!



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