Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stalking is good

After a long time away from you all, I'm back in action.  Concentrating on a home based business, rebuilding and re-branding takes much work.  Okay, let me explain why I think that stalking is a good thing. Here in Los Angeles the newest trend for true foodies turned chefs is to purchase a food truck and sell gourmet items that one would normally find in high end restaurants.  It's more cost affective to purchase or lease a food truck than open a brick and mortar restaurant.  Spruce up a truck, create a web page as well as a Facebook and a Twitter account.  Broadcast where your truck will be and wait for the people to flock to it.  And flock we do!  Now let me back up a moment to define a few terms.
A) To stalkTo approach slowly and quietly in order not to be discovered when getting closer.  To (try to) follow or contact someone constantly, often resulting in harassment.
B) A FoodieA person with a special interest in or knowledge of food, a gourmet.
That being said, I love sea food but can't always go to my favorite restaurants nor do I always feel like purchasing seafood and then cooking it.  So as soon as I heard about a young man who also loves sea food so much he was particularly moved by a seafood joint he visited while in New England which inspired him to open his own gourmet food truck specializing in New England lobster, crab and clam chowder I had to try it out.  Anyway The Lobsta Truck offers it's patrons fresh lobster imported from New England for us lucky Los Angelenos to enjoy.  Yes you read correctly not Lobster but Lobsta.  Evidently those of us from the east coast pronounce the crustacean this way 'lob-sta.'  Ever since that TV broadcast, I have stalked this truck several times and I'm happy to report that the food has been consistent each time.  I've even seen other stalkers at the truck.  It's a quirky way to meet new friends.  Like summer camp you check your Facebook or Twitter updates to see where the truck is going to be on any particular day, drive to the location, stand on line and run into people you've seen before.  You shake hands and reminisce about the last time you saw each other at the truck.

There are the staple trucks that specialize in ice cream, burgers and hot dogs.  But now there are trucks that serve exclusive genres of food like Mediterranean Food and chili trucks.  They even have food trucks that specialize in French fries.  Really, imagine ... fries made any and all ways that you could possibly conjure.  Chili cheese fries, sweet potato fries, steak and fries, vegan chili fries. fries with gravy, caramelized onion, chicken, pork belly, just dream it up and they can make it.

That's why I believe that stalking is a good thing. My stalking is not stealth, I email and spread the word because anything that results in a lobster sandwich or gourmet fries for under $40.00 is a great thing!

Happy eating.


  1. that whole "out of the truck" thing is really ingenious with so many brick and mortars closing as soon as they open. enjoy that lobsta!! And I'm glad to see you back :)

  2. I have not been here in longer than a minute. For shame Lynn! Yes, I love the concept of on the go food. I fell in love with the taco trucks out there after my first visit to CA. I went through withdrawals after going home to NY and now that I live in FL forget about it. There is no hope for on go trucks. Enjoy your lobster while you got it. :o)

    My best, Lynn
    *hope all is well with you.



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