Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wordle Wednesdays - Actress

First I'd like to acknowledge our veterans today for all that they endure and have endured.
Second, as I'm figuring out how to use the various programs like Mr. Linky, etc. to encourage more participation, please bear with my current primitive techniques.  So for now click on the Wordle box and it will expand in a new window to be easily read.  Hopeful I'll have it together next week. I'm am still a bit overwhelmed by all of the programs available to the blogging community and much of it is trial and error for me.

So without further stalling today's quote is from Dr. Maya Angelou - the original phenomenal woman. Enjoy!

Wordle: 11-11-09 chosen Wordle

As always Wordle Wednesday is courtesy of Creative Commons License


  1. The Maya Angelou personality test, how would you handle these three things, lost luggage, tangled Christmas lights, and a rainy day.
    Thank you, love this quote, so true.

  2. Perfect. And thanks for the shout out to the divine first lady. Classy lady. I told 'e' at her blog that the three of us should compile a book on what to say and do (and what not to) to folks undergoing a serious issue -- we all have our stories, and it's always a shock when people you really think should know better tell you they 'didn't know what to say' so they didn't say or do anything. It's a matter of when something happens, b/c everybody eventually has to weather something.....Thank you for your comments this week. They mean a lot to me. This has been hard to do! And of course I can't it all up -- it'd take too long, wouldn't it?????? Well, we've walked through fire and know we're strong AGL

  3. Dear Strokeofliving,

    Thanks for coming over and checking me out. You are most welcome at any time.

  4. Loved this post. Here's one of my secrets: I once wrote to Oprah Winfrey and asked if it would be possible to do prep work in Dr. Angelou's kitchen while she made the meal. True story. Some people want to go to Disneyland. It doesn't compare.

  5. I hope you had a wonderful day!

    Stopping by from SITS!

  6. That is hard. I am still looking around the internet for the answer.

  7. Hi hon, there's an award for you over at my blog!

  8. Yeah...apparently Dr Angelou was busy because I never got a phone call. I don't understand it really. How many requests could she possibly have gotten for that specific thing? My letter was very well written and quite sincere.

    I wish I had more of a story to tell there. Darn it all!

    What do I admire most about her? Her wisdom and her principles.

  9. I love Maya Angelou. My favorite quote of hers "My mother was full of joy and life. I am her child and that is better than being the child of anyone else in the world" Especially now that my mother is gone, that quote says it all.



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