Monday, November 2, 2009

Much Ado About SOMETHING Monday

Zen Masters

No, I haven't lost my mind.  Last week I posted every day other than yesterday.  I just wasn't feeling any particular theme and I'm not [that] inspired to share brilliant movie quotes today.  I have not abandoned Much Ado About Nothing Mondays.  What I am inspired to share today are a few quotes from "The Zen Master" which in actuality is probably a smattering of several Zen Masters.  The stories/jokes attached to the respective quotes tickled me after reading them.  So today, I'm compelled to share.  Hopefully they will give you a little chuckle too.

As pious and reverent to God as they are Zen Masters have quite a sense of humor, which I appreciate.
The Zen Master usually asks the question, makes a statement and then recounts a story and makes a closing statement:

What is worry?  There is nothing more corrosive to our self esteem than worry.

A man walked into a bar looking worried and upset.
The bar tender asked him, "What's the matter?  You look very worried about something."
The man said, "My wife and I had a fight and she told me that she wouldn't talk to me for a month."
The bartender consoled him, "It's okay one month isn't that long."
The man said, "I know.  The month is up today!"

One person's dream is another person's worry.  You will not find any logic in it at all.

LOL.. I have another one...

Fear. Your fear of darkness and fear of death are the same-fear of the unknown.  Connecting with the darkness will remove this fear.

Once a little girl was asking her father, "Daddy are you afraid of darkness?"
The father replied, "Of course not."
The girl coninued, "Then are you afraid of snakes?"
The father replied,"No, not at all."
The little girl was very happy that she had discovered something new.
She said, "Oh! So Daddy, you are not afraid of anything other than mommy!"

If you can just look into the darkness and the fear with awarness, you will live through it and get over it.

Summary, 7 Zen Master quotes:

  1. Worry is the discrepancy between your expectations and reality.
  2. Even When something joyful happens, you remember only the moment when it ended.
  3. If you understand that everything is auspiciousness, you will drop expectation.
  4. Drop worry and pick up health.
  5. Fear is the fight between faith in oneself versus the negative idea about the future.
  6. Acceptance of the fear dissolves the fear.
  7. Fear is the passive form of the energy while anger is the active expression.

I hope that you enjoyed reading these quotes and funny stories as much as I liked first reading them.


  1. As a chronic worrier, I am going to commit No. 5 to memory the next time I am off on a worry binge :D

  2. #2 is so true. Sad but true. Great post.



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