Friday, September 21, 2012

Roar the Crowd - Shake it off!

“Instruction does much, but encouragement everything."- Jonathan Wolfgang von Goethe.  He was a German writer and politician.

I must give a brief shout out to my Toastmasters club Adventurers #7488.  They are the epitome of how supportive club fellows should be.  Last night I gave a speech that had challenges and all my club did was encourage me to practice with intensity and get up to give the speech again.  In spite of how awful challenging the delivery was, they understood my subject [which rocks!] and they are looking forward to my delivering it masterfully next time.

pyramid success concept
(All photos courtesy of
With that type of encouragement I can't disappoint them or myself ever again.  So I look forward to making them proud.  We all share the same fear which is why we all joined Toastmasters. Just like going to the gym, we work out our speeches in front of each other.  And it's really fun; something I look forward to each week.

You see I spent all day yesterday thinking up BS excuses reasons to not show up to my club meeting; as a result I manufactured the worst anxiety to the detriment of my well being.  Bottom line, I forgot all about who I AM. I should say I forgot that I AM.  FEAR is a tangible thing and a contradiction to my glorious win a few weeks ago at the district competition.  Rather than moving forward with confidence I slipped back into the comfort of that ridiculous public speaking FEAR.  Old habits are tough but I am determined to break this thing.

Note: This is not to be confused with insecurity, I've never been nor will I ever be insecure.  I AM after all FABULOUS.  Now it's time to bring my speech skills consistently up to par, my club stands for nothing less.  Now that I took the night to dust myself off I have two weeks to practice.
White lion Stock Photo
My birth sign - Leo.  Is this a symbol of fear, anxiety or lack of awareness?

This is fear:
Portrait of a young woman watching a scary movie Stock Photo

This is your brain on fear:
man leaning over on railing Stock PhotoOR       Back of Man with Fingers Pointing Up Stock Photo

Any questions?

1 comment:

  1. Alex Trebek: "The answer is: 'Cut Creator.'"
    Contestant: "What is... my DJ's name?"



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