Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Big Fat Greek Shout Out!

Heraclitus the famous Greek philosopher said, "Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play."

I am going to pay homage, give a stellar review of, give big ups, to two Greek items; yogurt and body butter.  What does this have to do with anything?  Well nothing has anything to do with anything, but I must share. Really "must"?  Well you know that when I like something I'm all about evangelizing. So I MUST!

(Photo courtesy of Google)

As a child I loved butter [still do] especially if the butter was whipped and creamy. After forty something years of use I consider myself a bit of a connoisseur.  I certainly didn't discover Greek yogurt but have tried it for the first time last week and let me tell you it far surpasses any other type.  Do you know the watery topped yogurt that we have all eaten?  The kind that you must stir to get the fruit flavor on the bottom of the tub only to have a gooey watery meal?  Well eating Greek yogurt is nothing like that.  It is already blended with fruit chunks/flavor and is so thick and creamy - not watery - it feels and tastes like pudding rather than a diet-y breakfast.  You can purchase the blend-able type of Greek yogurt as well.  I liken the experience to having Gelato in Rome [first hand experience of delicious fresh cream and fruit sans preservatives] vs. American ice cream [sugar, toxins, freezer burn] in the states.  An unbelievable party in your mouth. YUM!

Now the Greeks certainly did not invent body butter however I think they perfected it in the apothecary [Korres] on their isle.  I was recently sent a belated birthday gift of Korres body butter and can not believe how frggin' hydrating it is to my skin. But when I spread just a smidgen of Greek butter on my skin, it feels like thick water but it absorbed into my skin quickly leaving my skin soft and smooth.  You must just pick whatever fragrance you like, I'm not sure they sell this product fragrance free and the products a little pricey.  However it is a sustainable company.  I've had the butter on all day and did not have to reapply on any part of my body [not even my hands]. Yes, argon oil and Shea butter are amazing!  Not any of the drug store brands of lotion that we all know are in a league with Korres body butter.  This product is so thick and creamy that when squeezed from the tube upside-down it does not drip or pour out.  It's laughable to even compare so I won't.

I'll just say that I'm not a paid rep for any particular brand but given my new experiences, that have been like no other to date, have been from Cyprus and Athens this post is all about a much deserved shout out to the Greeks.  They have given us Mensa-esque thinkers, myths, factitious tragedies, a fantastic vacation destination [I don't know that from personal experience], an alternative alphabet, health, grape leaves [hurray], people who have produced the highest grossing independent film in history[over $300 million], a verbal benchmark for what an Adonis should be [thank god], and a process for the best YOGURT and the best BODY BUTTER EVER.

Opa! (Now enjoy the contest winner for the official video for Greece courtesy of YouTube)

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