Since I am supporting two meatless campaigns, Meatless Monday and Go Meatless in May, it is appropriate to post as many meat alternative recipes as I can. Therefore I have found a few others that you may enjoy with your family. I haven't tried these yet but the day is young and I must still shop for food.Enjoy!
The following are from all recipes (dot) com after I searched for the best/most popular vegetarian recipes:
#1 Candied Walnut Gorgonzola Salad
Prep Time:5 Min
Cook Time:5 Min
Ready In:10 Min
#2 Yummy Sweet Potato Casserole
Prep Time:30 Min
Cook Time:30 Min
Ready In:1 Hr
[Alert - the following paragraph discusses physical and biological observations during a meat free lifestyle.]
I must say that I an not a vegetarian however over the past several months I've been enjoying delicious vegetarian and vegan cuisine very much and have noticed a difference in my physicality. My skin is clearer, my menstrual cycle has normalized [the regulation of such a condition was the catalyst to having my having a stroke], and bowl movements are more frequent and healthier looking. Per my health coach Dr. Foster and America's doctor, Dr. Oz, they are supposed to have a lighter color, be a little fluffy in water and float, not have a dark color and sink to the bottom of the bowl.
I have more energy, purchasing vegetarian food is kinder to my budget since I must shop more regularly.
Habits. The rule is DO NOT KEEP PREPARED FOOD REFRIGERATED FOR MORE THAN TWO DAYS. This means more trips to the grocery store during the week. If I buy greens for salads, 'grain' meat [like Field Roast], or if I cook a meal [pasta] and there are left overs, those left overs are tossed away if they are not eaten up by day two. That rule is because bacteria can grow even in the refrigerator and can contaminate your food. What I do keep for about a week is fruit (apples, oranges, grapes, kiwi). Per my health coach even frozen foods are not recommended for preservation for more than 10 days.
Visiting the market several times per week is a lifestyle change but it does not have to be costly. It takes education [knowing that you must change], a mental shift [deciding to change], research [finding alternative meals], planing and budgeting. Bunches of greens, and other types of vegetables are pennies and you leave the market with quite a bounty for dinner. There is a market near my home that sells 10 cloves of garlic for $1.00. You can't beat that with a stick. Optimal health and wellness is a lifestyle choice and changing habits can be a challenge. It is for me. However like the no pain no gain philosophy at the gym, one can adapt to change in our nutrition plans order to lessen trips to the doctor and to discover how much fun it can be to eliminate meat for a day or so.
I used to think that vegetables were just a side dish but because of very talented chefs these days they are the meal. Take a look at these foto search images in order of appearance: cannelloni with oregano, hummus with cherry tomato sandwich, veggie lasagna, miso cake with beetroot sauce, veggie pizza, veggie burger, pasta, veggie sushi, this last image is from Plum Bistro in Seattle and I have no idea what vegetable this is under the sauce but look at it, does it matter? Yum.
I am so in love with that little piglet!