Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Out on a limb

CBP0020329 - Vintage Antique Radio with Wood Finish
Tomorrow I will be stepping out of my box to volunteer at a national radio station.  Back in the 90's I volunteered at a hospital in the pediatric ward for a year and that was more fun than I imagined it would be.  I thought I'd cross the line by becoming attached to the children especially the babies.  I assumed I'd be a heaving mess when any of the illnesses progressed or when the children were discharged.  Nope, I was cool.  Among all of the children I only had about three favorites [two toddlers and one baby].  I spent more time with these particular three than any volunteer should have. My attachments to them were authentic but controlled.  Eventually the two toddlers passed away and the baby girl was put into foster care. I used to purchase dresses for her since she was left at the hospital by her parents who were substance abusers.  That was encouraged by the volunteer coordinator.  Since the nurses where aware of  my shift they'd dress the baby in the clothes that I provided her so I'd have the chance to see her in them before she was placed with a family.  I never shed one tear over the children which surprised me but I have fond memories of our story time and our play time together.

CBP1065492 - Cathedral Radio
So, I look forward to sharing my new venture with all of you.  I know absolutely nothing about the radio business.  Maybe in this case ignorance will be bliss.  We'll see.  No pun intended but stay tuned...
ZFP0026788 - Vintage car with red seats
(photos courtesy of veer.com)


  1. I can't wait to read about it!!! Bring it on, Dale!!

  2. Best Wishes for a great experience at the Radio Station. They are blessed to have your talents!



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