Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday extra - Shape Ups by Sketchers

[Disclaimer - no monetary relationship inspired this post, I'm just a fan of the product. Photos courtesy of]
For a few weeks I have been listening to friends talk about how great these Shape-Ups sneakers are, how during a day of running around, their thighs and calf's burn, and how tired their legs felt after wearing them for a entire 14 hour day of work.  In entertainment people who work on the set literally run around doing their work all day stopping only to eat or use the restroom.  Well after that type of promotion from people who I know, I decided to get a pair for myself to see if I can help my gait.

FYI, Gait analysis is the systematic study of animal locomotion, (more specific as a study of human walking) using the eye and the brain of observers, augmented by instrumentation for measuring body movements, body mechanics and the activity of the muscles. Gait analysis is used to assess, plan and treate individuals with conditions affecting their ability to walk. It is also commonly used in sports such as athletics to help athletes run more efficiently and to identify posture-related or movement-related problems in people with injuries.

Instantly my mother and my health coach noticed that as I walked in Shape-Ups my gait pattern improved.  My pimp walk was becoming normalized to an actual stride.  Well after that observation, I wore them a few  days in a row and I can confirm that my glutes, thighs - hamstrings and quadriceps were sore.  My right calf muscle was fatigued and although my left calf muscle has atrophied and I can't feel the muscle working when I walk, I'm sure it benefited from my wearing the sneakers as well.

So in my limited experience and ownership of these sneakers, I can confirm that they work as the manufacturer claims.  Although I wouldn't toss a gym membership or halt a regular exercise regimen for a collection of these sneakers to wear them thinking "the sneakers" will miraculously do the work.

I'll check back in after a few months of use to let you all know what lasting physical improvements I achieve as a result of wearing these shoes [and working out regularly].


  1. Hey, girl! Happy New Years to you! Yeah, I was playing around with headers and footers when you stopped by GirlWhimsy. I thought I was ready to move on to Valentine's Day like some blogs have done, but no not yet. It's been a minute since I stopped by your way, and for that, I apologize. Thank you bunches for your visit today. Talk to you soon.

  2. That's really interesting that it appears to have changed the way you're walking!

  3. This was interesting. My daughter and daughter-in-law both got these for Christmas and haven't said anything. I'll have to ask!

  4. I've been wearing my MBT's for almost 2 years now but I think I'm going to try these when mine wear out -- a little less clunky and less expensive



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