Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Having the Internet means that we get to see something that we never imagined!

Icebergs in the Antarctic area sometimes have stripes, formed by layers of snow that react to different conditions.  
Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.  
When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can freeze to the underside.  If this is rich in algae, it can form a green stripe.  
Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked up when the ice sheet grinds downhill towards the sea.
Beautiful aren't they?
Can you imagine seeing this in person?
Actually feeling a frozen wave.

We are so small in the bigger picture aren't we?

Don't sweat the small stuff!

Because everything is small stuff.

Just take this photo in... it looks plastic.

Hum maybe a vacation spot?  Maybe not!

And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:10, KJV)


  1. The internet is amazing...that is for sure...but not as amazing as His ability to make it all, as you noted! :)

  2. Great post! We do tend to sweat the small stuff. I know when I finally get to heaven I am going to be laughing at myself for worrying too much!!!

  3. The internet is limitless in its ability to 'put us there', help us learn, remind us of what was, and teach us what could be. We are informed, entertained and educated every day...if we pay attention.

    The photography available for viewing has changed my life. No longer able to travel, there are spots I won't see in person, but can experience virtually and I'm so thankful that technology has advanced on par with my physical limitations.



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