Monday, January 25, 2010

La habitación de Fermat

The title of this blog post is a Spanish film title.  The translation is Fermat's Room.  It is a thriller about four mathematicians who do not know each other who are invited by a mysterious host on the pretext of resolving a great enigma. The room in which they find themselves turns out to be a shrinking room that will crush them if they do not discover in time what connects them all and why someone might wish to murder them.  This post is not a review of the film although I have included two reviews that amused me: It has been quoted to be "a smart movie for dumb people or a dumb movie for smart people."  It has also been quoted to be "the thinking man's "Saw."  But how would I know? I don't watch horror films.  The YouTube trailer below is for your viewing pleasure.

[Therapy rant alert]
Well after a recent viewing I thought about how the concept of being in a space with the feeling that you will be crushed if you don't figure things out was decidedly interesting. The room is symbolic of A) my head or B) the world and the enigmas are symbolic of my options. With my impending career change I sometimes feel like if I don't figure out my life soon I too will be crushed figuratively and literally. Figuratively by the others in the new field whose knowledge far surpasses mine and Literally by failing to succeed as an adult.  Rant over.

A good film tagline and life mantra would be 'think inside the box.'  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I am not a horror movie/slasher movie fan, but is it even possible for something to be 'the thinking man's SAW?' Who is blowing smoke up the butts of movie viewers everywhere?

    This totally cracked me up! Who thinks up this stuff?



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