Today, I'm acknowledging my parents, Yvonne and Wayne, just because. [Go ahead click on this song on my playlist and enjoy!]
I'm grateful to have you in my life.
I want you to know that I see who you are:
I admire your tenacity and courage
Your sacrificial spirit and sense of humor
Your knowledge and loyalty
Everyday that I have with you is a blessing!
You are my family
You are my friend
I love the unique ways that we express our love for each other via the gifts we mail to each other
I know that you see me too
I don't take you for granted
I look forward to our conversations no matter how long/short, especially the end when we say, "I LOVE YOU."
I want you to know that I see who you are:
I admire your tenacity and courage
Your sacrificial spirit and sense of humor
Your knowledge and loyalty
Everyday that I have with you is a blessing!
You are my family
You are my friend
I love the unique ways that we express our love for each other via the gifts we mail to each other
I know that you see me too
I don't take you for granted
I look forward to our conversations no matter how long/short, especially the end when we say, "I LOVE YOU."
Mom, Paj have a fantastic day!
what a great tribute; I bet you had a fabulous childhood :-)