Thursday, July 2, 2009

When food is the problem, JUICE is the resolution!

Okay everyone, my solution was to purchase a roasted chicken from the market for my guests to eat for a few days in creative ways and so that I don't have to cook. I also introduced the women to juicing.

This morning we had kale, bananas and Kangen water smoothies as a meal. We were having so much fun we also juiced several other items: beets, apples, carrots, blueberries, pear and celery. We didn't combine all of those juices together into one mixture. Instead, we experimented and mixed a few kinds together.

To my delight and astonishment Sarah loved them all!! Mom, as I said in my prior blog, is mailable so she's easy to please and impress with new things. Thank the sweet lord for that. I couldn't handle the demanding palates of two women who hated all of the food offerings that I have in my house.

To participate in modern lingo, "Big up" to Jack Lalanne for making a very fine power juicer.
Now that I'm deemed as brilliant let's see ... for breakfast tomorrow I'll try spinach, beets, carrots, ginger, melon, strawberries and apples ... yeah that's the ticket. I may even have to post photos of our creations.

Have a great, safe and fun July 4th!! I'll be writing to you all after that.

1 comment:

  1. Jack Lalanne is awesome - if I can be in as half as good a shape as him when I'm 90 - hmmm...maybe I need to give juicing another try. I made the green one Dr. Oz recommended on Oprah and it was the most bitter thing I have ever tasted. I could barely keep it down.



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