Sunday, July 19, 2009

Post independance day product review

While I was researching various organic beauty products, interjection [sorry to my loyal readers who are not interested in this subject it will be brief, I promise.] I stumbled upon a company called Jane Carter Solutions completely accidentally on the Internet.

Jane is a biracial black woman who has a passion for natural hair of all types. Please read about her on her on her aforementioned website. With 20 years of hair grooming under her belt, she understands ethnic hair and has created many products but the one I am speaking about is her all in one product called Nourish & Shine for hair and skin. Let me tell you I just washed my hair in the shower (I'm locking for those of you who don't know) and needed to twist my new growth. So I brilliantly twisted my hair yes with my one functional hand and some bobby pins. Well my hair/scalp is shiny without being oily and smells great.

I also used it on my body for hydration (I gave my organic sugar scrubs a rest for now) and there is no dry skin at all! Feet, elbows, all areas that tend to be chronically dry are glowing. My skin is soft and moist (I believe the more attractive word is supple) without being oily with a healthy looking glow. Please don't confuse my use of the word GLOW with color like bronze. This is not a bronzing product. However, I am still loyal to using Ancient Treasure exclusively on my face although I'm sure N&S is perfectly fine to use on the face.

Side note: those of you who are easily irritated by fragrance, this product may not be for you. Look on her site to see if she offers a scent free version.

She also has a product called Twist & Lock that I can't wait to try. That is obviously a product designed specifically for people who are locking their hair. And if it is as good as N&S, I'll convert myself over from using Crew grooming cream forever. Woo Hoo.

Geoffrey thanks for the recent phone call for me to give you direction on what organic hair and skin products you should consider for yourself. I'm flattered that you thought of me to be your guide. So in a short and sweet recommendation, I suggest that you purchase Nourish & Shine from Jane Carter Solution because it is made with natural butters, essential oils and vitamins. To me it smells like subtle mango and has the texture of tepid icing, it melts down a bit when you put a pea sized dollop in your hands - your body temperature helps it to "melt" and absorb into your skin and hair/scalp. My dear friend this product is all you'll need. Please stop purchasing several chemically enhanced multi products when you can buy one organic all in one product. Another note: unless you can't control yourself with product portions let me tell you that you don't need much at all therefore it should last you a little longer. Geoff, I'll tell you where to purchase it locally if you don't want to wait for an Internet order. Don't bother going to Sally's. Call me again and I'll hook you up.

Okay people my product junkie rant is over for now. Have a great few days.


  1. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today and giving such sweet comments! You made my day;)

  2. Thank you for product reviews, that is a special interest of mine. I will have to check these out. I love Organic Giovanni hair and body care, also Benedetta Skin Care. The twist and lock look is hot, but you have to have cooperative hair. I can pull it off in humid weather, not in dry North Los Angeles. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.



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