Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why not support a community?

I've learned that to keep money/potential wealth moving within a community one should support that community.

Well here's what I mean specifically. For the past nine years I've been growing my natural hair, chemical free. When I first started, to my knowledge, there were not many products for African Americans created by African Americans so I searched through drug stores and beauty supply franchises looking for products that would aid in the optimal look and health of my hair. Incidentally, my particular wellness specialist is Dr. Daoud Foster who can be contacted via the Internet: masterdaoudfoster@yahoo.com. Dr. Daoud is affective with education and therapies regarding the total mind, body and soul experience. You can read his blog at www.virtuallightbeingness.blogspot.com. There he explains his education, training, and theories. The next step is to create a routine maintenance plan with proper products. As I've since discovered, there are many African American manufacturers of products for the wide variety of African American hair textures.

Since 2000, I've purchased lots of drug store brands and beauty supply brands of hair products full of toxins. Recently, after being introduced to the community of African American hair and skin care manufacturers whose products about which I'm excited. I must say that as I continue my research, I'm certain to want to share more companies with you but for now please read about the following two companies: 1)www.hickstotaltransformations.com (hair) and 2)www.karensbodybeautiful.com (hair/skin). Once I've used these hair products for a period of time I'll gladly share how wonderful I believe they'll be. I'm totally excited to receive my first shipment from each manufacturer. My plan this year is to make a lifestyle change, to purchase beauty products from people in my community. Who else better to know about my hair type than someone else who looks like me? Experience is the best teacher and necessity is the mother of invention. So I have read about the mother inventors Ruth Hicks and Karen Saunderson who own these respective companies and had the pleasure of speaking with both companies. I actually met Ruth Hicks of Total Transformations at the 2009 LA Black business expo. What I love is that both women are completely passionate about their products and both have years of experience searching for and creating products that are natural, non flaky, fragrant and ones that promote moisture and shine.

If these products do what I need them to do, I'll be a very loyal customer; doing my little part to keep the money flowing in our community. Let me encourage you to do the same.

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