Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's all good!

For those who are concerned about the darkest part of my experience thank you all for your concerns. However I'd like to explain this matter a tad further.

Health care providers prepared me and my family about the symptoms that are common among stroke survivors: shock, denial, anger, depression/grief and finally acceptance. Working with experts in this field, I learned techniques to overcome the darkest part of recovery. I put in the work to successfully be on the other side of that brief emotional period. It is truly "time that heals." I also must say that I never sat in my home with a weapon in my hand actually contemplating such a selfish act. That was a battle of the mind; because it was my brain that was affected. Now that I've had that experience, I count it as knowledge for my life's arsenal. [An ironic analogy but you get my drift.]

At this point I'm finally sharing my experiences as the youngest person that I know to have had a stroke. I'm at the two and a half year post recovery stage and the one thing that I know for sure is "It ain't over til' it's over." I'm currently working hard on my physicality.

The emotional stuff was hard, however the physical commitment is more difficult for me. It involves making choices every day. Today I am experiencing atrophy in my left calf. Every day I make the choice to work on that muscle no matter my mood. I have no time to sit in a corner with my lip poked out thinking about what I don't have. What I do have is life throughout my body. Now I have to make it strong again. My left hand is also still quite weak, but over time that will change as well. I'm grateful that there is no atrophy in my left arm at all. Working out each day and eating bitter raw greens is rejuvenating me.

It's time for me to get back to work now. Thirty minutes a day and a gallon of Kangen** water [ ] should make all the difference. We'll see...

**Read blog #3

1 comment:

  1. My friend, I know "it's all good..." You're a smart, loving, caring and BEAUTIFUL woman! When I commented on your first was just that...reassuring YOU...



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