Monday, July 8, 2013

Twelve hours later...

It's 1:00 pm in the afternoon.  And I'm inspired to share.  So what does the time of day have to do with anything? you may ask.  Well a friend invited me to join her at Wi Spa a 24 hour Korean day spa at 10:30 last night. For years I've been going to day spas for massage treatments and healing salt baths on birthdays and other special occasions. Last night was the first time that I visited a 24 hour spa.  It was fabulous.

24 hours: that means the facility and services are available 24 hours per day.  Why blog about it?  Well look at each room and you decide if after experiencing this treat for the eyes it was worth it to read.  It was certainly worth it for me to experience - lucid. Several people have tried to enjoy the spa intoxicated but the health benefits are lost on the inebriated body so it is not recommended.

THE BULGAMA, made mostly out of oak wood, sits at an impressive 231 degrees for intense thermotherapy. As guests lie on the floor, heat helps to loosen muscles, remove toxins and bacteria in the body, and reduce blood pressure -- for an overall cleansing effect. Recommended usage is 10-15 minutes.

THE SALT SAUNA, with the help of thousand-year-old minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and selenium, improves the physical, chemical and hydrodynamic conditions of the body. The respiratory system is purified, circulation improves, the immune system is strengthened, and muscles are relaxed. In addition, halotherapy (salt therapy) is healing for skin conditions. Recommended usage is 10-20 minutes.

While THE CLAY SAUNA features clay specially imported from Korea, clay has been used for centuries around the world for its medicinal and cosmetic benefits. This natural mud stimulates the lymphatic system and assists in the heavy metal detoxification process. Guests immerse their bodies under layers of clay balls to increase the body temperature. Recommended usage is 10-20 minutes.

The powerfully hot JADE ROOM eases muscle tension, helps with arthritis, and is known to lower the cerebral temperature. The sodium and minerals within the walls of Jade Spa also help in the balancing of hormones. In Asian culture, Jade has long been revered for its healing properties and in aiding stress relief. Recommended usage is 10-20 minutes.

THE ICE SAUNA is the final stop after a day at the spa. This room helps bring the core body temperature down, closes the pores and tightens the skin. By finishing with the Ice Sauna, circulation will improve and overall well-being is restored. Recommended usage is 10-20 minutes.

These rooms are considered to be Jimjilbang.  Jimjilbang is simply the co-ed or common areas for both men and women to enjoy some experiences together since traditionally jimjilbang spas are gender-segregated. However at Wi Spa the jimjilbang areas are opposite with the extensive reference library with comics, kids zone, restaurant and computer area and the five specialty rooms just featured above.

Of course in these areas modesty is required so they provide T-shirts and shorts for everyone attending any common areas. 
Keep in mind that any type of spa experience is not for the apprehensive or "shy." One must be open to new things and willing to take your temple body on a health journey that people have been doing for thousands of years!  My journey just happened to be in the wi hours at 1:30 am. Maybe that's what really inspired the name of the spa.

I must say that after years of attending day spas on weekends during the day at the most popular times of the day, and even the occasional couples treatments with my beloved at the time, I really prefer the late night/early morning hours.  Less people, more services for me to enjoy in solitude [I liked stretching out in the 150 degree dry sauna alone, and the dipping into the cold pool only to walk into the 120 degree steam room.  I stay in until my heart rate increases which is my body telling me it's too hot to stay longer.  My night ended with a loofah bath and a sea salt tooth brushing.  My skin and teeth very smooth,very clean.

Search out Korean spas in your city, Highly recommended!

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