Monday, May 12, 2014

Falling behind is just a new place to begin.

Hey everyone.  I have reviewed quite a few products over the past several months or so after attending the Natural Products Expo West in both 2013 and 2014.  Simultaneously  in the midst of having a few great life experiences.

I am handling a new full time position of leadership in my career, I have gotten engaged to a man who will enhance an already fabulous life, and I am re-branding my blog, [restructuring the layout, look and feel of it.]

I am making room in my home for my new life partner so that it can be OUR home and am returning to the gym as part of my fitness routine.  So between my late hours at work, my re-branding efforts and expanding my family, I am slightly overwhelmed with tasks.  But I am blessed, happy and getting back on track.

That said, please bear with me during this reconstruction period.  I miss communicating with everyone and receiving your heart felt comments.

((Hugs and more soon))


  1. Congratulations on your new life adventure! Looking forward to seeing your new blog design.

  2. I really want to take this time out to show my appreciation to a doctor who advised me correctly. I had stroke for 12 years and my full left side was paralyzed because of this i could say i was half human because i could not function where others are functioning. I knew i needed help and i began to search and i saw his contact from a testimony some people were giving, i never believed because i have tried so many medicines and therapies yet no cure. I still contacted him to see what he had to offer. I got the medicine (herbal medication) he told me about and i could not believe my eyes. In a matter of 3 months i was completely okay. If you have any stroke related illness or paralysis feel free to reach him for info and cure on ( he treated me and he can treat you too. cheers.



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